© Adventure World 2024. All Rights Reserved.
MAKE TRAVEL MATTER® is a trademark of The TreadRight Foundation, registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions, and is being used under license.
Read up on local cultures and learn a few words of the local language - travelling with respect earns you respect. Remove all excess packaging from your luggage - waste disposal is difficult in remote places and developing countries.
Buy local, rather than imported and do not buy products made from endangered species, hard woods or ancient artefacts.
Respect local cultures, traditions and holy places - if in doubt, ask advice.
Water is very precious in many countries and tourists tend to use far more than local people.
Why not participate in a local activity like a carnival or fete? This way you really get the chance to understand local cultures and traditions.
We believe that responsible tourism promotes positive cultural and environmental ethics and practices. Understanding the potential harm that can come from promoting tourism through many of the delicate environments in which we operate is reflected on our ideology of 'leave no trace' tourism. Working with our ground operators, several who have won the prestigious AITO (Association of Independent Tour Operators) Responsible Tourism Award, we promote responsible, sustainable tourism in all areas we visit.
We encourage you to use the checklist linked below, developed by The TreadRight Foundation, as a simple way to become a more considerate traveler.
The Treadright Foundation®
Explore The TreadRight Foundation's Impact Hub to learn about key issues that impact our planet, its people, and wildlife. Through the hub you'll also be able to learn about how you might be able to help.
© Adventure World 2024. All Rights Reserved.
MAKE TRAVEL MATTER® is a trademark of The TreadRight Foundation, registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions, and is being used under license.